• Name: Hernández Espinosa
  • First Name: Rafael
  • Age: 37
  • Marital status: unmarried
  • Religion: undenominational
  • Place: Texcoco
  • Country: Mexico

I am 37 years old, Mexican, and I live in Texcoco, a municipality with about 80,000 inhabitants in the outskirts of Mexico City. Nine years ago I moved away from my parents’ home to complete a postgraduate course in Mexico City. From 2008 to 2013 I lived in a marriage-like relationship. I currently live alone, I have no children. My parents are still alive. I have younger siblings, a brother and a sister, both are married. They live nearby and I visit them often. In 2012 I obtained a doctorate in anthropology. Since 2011 I have worked as a lecturer of social psychology at the Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana – Unidad Iztapalapa in Mexico City. Occasionally I participate in temporary projects in academia.