Domingos João Pedro Bernardo, Luanda (Angola)
I am 32 years old, male, Angolan, and a follower of the United Methodist Church. I study Physical and Psychosocial Rehabilitation at the Methodist University in Luanda. Additionally, I work as a librarian at the same university.
Andrea Gleiniger, Zurich / Berlin (Switzerland / Germany)
I am 57 years old, female, German. My family is protestant, but I was not brought up religiously. When I was 16 I formally renounced my membership in the church. In Germany it was by then the earliest possible age to make such an institution-related decision. Married; one adult son; Ph.D., historian of architecture and art; lecturer at the Zurich University of the Arts; author.
Rafael Hernández Espinosa, Texcoco (Mexico)
I am 37 years old, Mexican, and I live in Texcoco, a municipality with about 80,000 inhabitants in the outskirts of Mexico City. Nine years ago I moved away from my parents’ home to complete a postgraduate course in Mexico City. From 2008 to 2013 I lived in a marriage-like relationship. I currently live alone, I have no children. My parents are still alive. I have younger siblings, a brother and a sister, both are married. They live nearby and I visit them often. In 2012 I obtained a doctorate in anthropology. Since 2011 I have worked as a lecturer of social psychology at the Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana – Unidad Iztapalapa in Mexico City. Occasionally I participate in temporary projects in academia.
Mukhabbat Kamalova, Nukus (Karakalpakistan)
I am 42 years old, female, not married, and I have a 19-year-old daughter. I am Karakalpak and live in Nukus, the capital of Karakalpakistan. Karakalpakistan is an autonomous region of Uzbekistan. It has its own constitution, flag, and anthem, yet the local jurisdiction is based on the Uzbek national law. The population mainly consists of Karakalpaks, Uzbeks and Kazakhs, while there are Russian, Tatar, and Turkmen minorities. I work at the German Society for International Cooperation (GIZ) as a coordinator in an economic development project. My job is dedicated to the support and development of artisans in the region. I am interested in languages as well as in intercultural exchange, and I was therefore very keen to participate in the study.
Veton Rruka, Prizren (Kosova)
I am 40 years old, male, married with two children. I was born in Prizren, Kosovo, and I am a Muslim. The city of Prizren has a population of around 178,000 (2011 census preliminary results), mostly Albanians. Prizren is located on the slopes of the Šhar Mountains in the southern part of the Republic of Kosovo. The municipality has a border with Albania and the Republic of Macedonia. I am currently working as a National Program Officer at the Caritas Switzerland Mission in Kosovo, and as a project leader for minority integration and regional development projects. Previous experience: Regional coordinator in the project ‘Sustainable Partnership for Assistance to Minority Returns to Kosovo’ with the United Nations Development Program (UNDP); regional training coordinator with the Organization for Security Cooperation in Europe (OSCE).
Rajneesh Yadav, Bhopal (India)
I am 28 years old, male, Indian. I live with my family (wife and parents) in Bhopal City which is located in the central part of India and is the capital of Madhya Pradesh state. Its population is around 2 million. I have a younger brother who works for the Allahabad Bank in the Chhindwara district. I am working as a medical transcriptionist from home, though I used to work in the office. We work for US hospitals and clinics. Medical transcription (MT) is the manual processing of voice reports dictated by physicians and other healthcare professionals into text format.